Your Needs and Characteristics


  1. 你需要修什么课程(专业要求!, major electives, 通识教育要求或低年级课程, electives)?
  2. 你需要(和想要)学习什么学术主题(只学习你的专业!, or a mix of academic disciplines)?
  3. 你所在的院校是否认可体验式课程.e.(实习、实地考察、自主学习、自主研究、服务学习、旅游)?
  4. 你能上另一种语言的课程吗/你的语言够流利吗?
  5. 你有初级或中级外语技能吗?
  6. 你所在的院校是否对课程必须完成的周数和/或接触时数有要求才能转学分?
  7. 你觉得生活在快节奏的环境中舒服吗, 很难与生活在城市里的当地人交朋友和互动的城市?
  8. 你觉得乘坐公共交通工具(公共汽车、出租车、火车)舒服吗??
  9. 你更喜欢住在一个你可以轻松导航的社区吗, and meet local people?
  10. Does the weather bother you? 你是否经历过你所考虑的东道国的共同气候类型?
  11. Are you a self-starter, outgoing, and self-motivated, 有探索新/不同情况的经验?
  12. 你是否更喜欢在一个有领导和/或指导者为你做决定的团队中工作,并且周围都是像你一样的人?
  13. 你有任何饮食、医疗或心理健康方面的需要吗?
  14. 你是想成为一个地方(语言、文化、历史和时事)的“专家”,还是想对几个不同的地方和观点有一个比较的看法?
  15. 你的朋友或家人曾说过你“难伺候”吗??  你对便利有高度的关注吗, personal appearance, the newest fads or specific activities?
  16. 你喜欢露营、徒步旅行、背包旅行吗??
  17. 在一个成熟的环境中,你对如何(以及是否)使用酒精有很好的感觉吗?  你是否曾因酗酒而扰乱他人或将自己的健康置于危险之中?
  18. Have you ever traveled before?  Outside the U.S.? If yes, how long and where?
  19. 你离开“家”,离开家人和朋友有多久了?
  20. What type of leisure activities do you enjoy?  What do you do with your “free-time”?

Program Types

Direct enrollment

探索其他国家的高等院校, 并直接报名参加一个允许“临时”或“国际”学生的项目.



Program provider



Participate in a program administered by a U.S. college or university and taught by a U.S. professor.









Direct Enrollment

- Authentic academic experience w/ locals.

-  Immersion with local students.

-  Likely to be less expensive.


- Unexpected costs.





- Unexpected costs.

Program Provider

-为满足联合国的需要而设立的支助服务.S. students.

- You get what you pay for.

- You pay extra for support services.





-  A group of U.S. students, most often from your home school.


-  A group of U.S. students, most often from your home school.



- Someplace that excites you.

- A pleasant break from your “home”.


- Not what you expected.




- Language was less of an obstacle than expected.

- I would like to learn a new language now.

- Language was a bigger obstacle than expected.


Community / City


-  Just the right size.


- Transportation was easy.

- Scenic and/or comfortable.

- Too big or too small for my enjoyment.


- Transportation was not adequate.

- City was ugly, dirty, noisy, boring..

Host Institution








- Courses too easy or too hard.

Living Conditions

- Love my housing.

- Lived close to campus.

- Cost of living less than the U.S.

- Conducive to meeting locals and making friends.

-我感觉很舒服,因为它和我习惯的东西很相似, OR because it was new and something I liked.

- Made it easy to focus on academics.

- Hate my housing.

- Lived too far from campus.

- Cost of living much more than the U.S.



-  A huge distraction from my academics.


By Dr. Sandi M. 史密斯,2008年全球学习学期机构关系主任




Location, geography, language, population, economic/industrial development, cost of living, food, health and safety conditions, climate, ease of transportation, etc.


Do you have beginner, intermediate, 或者拥有所在国主要语言的高级语言技能?  当地居民的英语流利程度如何?

 Community / City size


Host institution

Enrollment size, 本地学生与国际学生的比例, urban campus or enclosed campus, facilities availability, teaching style, the language of instruction, grading/assessment style, academic options, academic rigor, distance from housing,

Living conditions

Homestay, residence hall, apartment, house, hotel, with all Americans, with all locals, distance to shopping, entertainment, school, transportation, shared or not, cost of living, where will you eat meals?